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Community Update from the Minister

In this 7-min. video, Rev. Dr. Elisabeth Jones gives an overview of the fall programming and invites all of us to find our fit in this community of faith as we move forward.

"Between us all, working together, God-with-us, we’ve got this. Please find your fit in whatever way you can—you all matter."

We’re absolutely convinced that God creates and loves ALL people exactly as they are and that Jesus’s way of love and compassion is critical for the world today.

We are Cedar Park United because God calls us and we respond by working to bring about God’s Dream for the world.

Upcoming Community Highlights

Click below for details and visit our community calendar for more.

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And remember

God loves queer people!

We’re sharing this video here to let the world know that God is love, and that God loves people of all sexualities and genders.

The idea that all Canadian churches are hostile to the queer community is simply false, as these ministers and Moderators of the major denominations make clear.

So what can you do? Contact your local politicians and let them know you do not condone hatred against queer people. And show up alongside our queer siblings!